Monday, June 30, 2008

Video: Meet Flip Koetsier, president of CIVL (Dutch)

Flip Koetsier, president of CIVL, introduces himself. Dutch language. Translations posted in the comments box gratefully received.


Bart said...

"I am Flip Koetsier, president of CIVL, the international hanggliding and paragliding union, and I am here as a stewart to this competition, which means I am to assist and advise the competition leader about the organisation of the competition."

"What do you think of this competition?"
"This is one of the best organised competitions I have witnessed, espscially the preparations are very well done, there is enough staff personell, I am quite satisfied with this comp so far."

"How about today?"
"Hard to say... the weather is very unpredictable, but as it looks right now, launch conditions are good, that's very important so everybody gets safely off the mountain, and it looks like we will be quite able to fly a decent task before the weather may deteriorate, as that is always a bit uncertain."
"So you have to take the weather into account..."
"Yes, we have to watch the weather closely, which especially here in the Alps is pretty difficult. In a flat coutnry like Holland, where I come from, it is much easier to predict, but especially in the mountains it is harder."

Chabre2009 said...

Thanks bart.